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Spring clean more than just your home

There is no denying that spring has definitely sprung! With it, the season brings the fervour of new beginnings and renewed energy. It's typically the time where we (well, some of us) spend hours on end cleaning the house from top to bottom to get rid of the winter cobwebs.  So why not give yourself a little extra attention too?

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Undies or socks?

Funnily enough, I was talking with a group of Dad's the other morning about what they were doing on Sunday, and the majority of them really look forward to receiving socks and undies on Father's Day … let's face it, how many blokes actually go out to the mall to buy that sort of thing?!

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Fun in the sun

Looking for something to do on a beautiful sunny weekend…but don't want to stay away overnight? Then beautiful Auckland and its surrounding countryside will keep you as busy or relaxed as you choose to be!

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How clean is clean?

It's spring clean month - we've touched on cleaning up your health and your finances but what about your home? It's a given that you will dust, vacuum and clean the light shades and window sills, right?  But just when you thought you had finished, here's a list of the little things that you really should clean, but probably don't!

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Why do men have such a big problem with going to the doctor?

Speak to any female you know and they will be able to tell you that the men in their lives have a real problem getting themselves to the doctor. Whether they are hobbling about in agony or dying of man-flu, reasons can range from "They don't know anything" to "What if I'm actually dying" or even "What if they ask me to do something I don't want to? .

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10 Rainy Day Activities for your Energetic Little Ones

After a beautiful summer, the last couple of weeks has seen our weather take a turn for the worse. Here are some affordable rainy day home activities to help your family combat cabin fever through the coming winter months.

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Worry less

As women, we worry. We worry about what our kids are doing. We worry about money. We worry about our aging parents…the list goes on. So having to worry about one less thing would be great, right?

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Breaking the mould - we don't just sell insurance

When you are out socialising and meeting new people, there is no better way to kill a conversation than with the words "I work in insurance". The insurance industry gets a pretty bad rap by all accounts, and in some people's minds we are right up (or down) there with car salesmen.

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Entertain the kids on a budget

Oh boy it's that time of the year again.

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Why you need a Power of Attorney

Bob and Jane had been together for ten years. They each had grown up children from previous marriages and also had assets from those relationships which they had agreed would be their own separate property. They had seen their own lawyers and signed a relationship property agreement (or pre-nuptial agreement). They lived in a house which Bob owned 40% of and Jane owned 60% of and they both owned shares in a business that they had started together five years ago.

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