Who's going to make your mortgage repayments if you can't?
For most of you, your mortgage is likely to be your biggest financial commitment, so it is vital to ensure that the repayments will always be covered.
What is Mortgage Protection Insurance?
Mortgage Protection Insurance can include Income Protection, Trauma, Total & Permanent
Disablement or Life Insurance.
Alternatively you can apply for Mortgage Repayment Insurance which specifically covers your regular mortgage repayments if you're unable to work due to sickness or injury.
I purchased a home recently and discovered to my dismay that besides the mortgage, there were going to be numerous insurance policies to pay for in addition to my existing ones. Whilst receiving the mandatory legal advice involved in such a purchase I was directed to Brave Day for the application and management of these additional policies.
After several meetings with Dean Young conveniently held at my home, we came up with a package that suited my needs and fell within my budget...
Why do I need Mortgage Repayment Protection?
Mortgage Repayment Insurance is very similar to Income Protection in that it pays you
a monthly amount if you are unable to work due to sickness or injury. This lets you
concentrate on getting better and getting back to work, rather than stressing about
how you will meet your mortgage repayments.
Doesn't ACC cover me?
Many people mistakenly assume that ACC will take care of them if they can't go
to work. ACC only provides cover for injuries that are the results of an accident.
Unlike ACC, Mortgage Repayment Insurance covers non-accidental reasons for
being off work, such as stress (the biggest cause of people needing time off).
One big advantage of Mortgage Repayment Insurance is that if you have an
accident and do receive a payment from ACC, your Mortgage Repayment
Insurance benefit will not offset... You will receive both payments.
Do I have the right cover?
With some insurance companies Mortgage Repayment Protection can be a very
stripped down benefit and this is usually reflected in the price. Other policies
include a range of built in benefits which can be particularly helpful if you are on claim.
It's important that you understand exactly what you are covered for... that's where we can help.
When I claim, how long do I need to wait before I get my money?
You choose - most people go with either one, two or three months… the longer you can wait, the more affordable your premiums. That's why it's important for you to think about how quickly you would need the money if you got sick and couldn't work.
Your stand down period has a big effect on how much you pay in premiums - the shorter the stand down, the higher the premium. Consider how much income you need as a minimum and think about whether or not there is more than one income coming into your household.
It really depends on your situation. That's why you need our advice.
How long does it pay for?
It depends. There are numerous options you can choose. We recommend as long as you can… right through to retirement age. That way when a claim happens you keep receiving your money until your doctor says you can go back to work, or if you can't go back to work you receive your money right through to age 65 or 70.
By choosing the longest payment term, you have the most choice at claim time. If you were to claim in your 30's and could never work again, a five year payment term would not be sufficient to provide for your family long-term.
Take action
Talk to us about the life you want for your family, and how to make sure it happens, no matter what.
Protect your assets. Get in touch.
The material contained on this website is provided for general information purposes only and does not constitute legal or other professional advice. Brave Day Limited does not accept any responsibility for any loss which may arise from reliance on information contained on this site.