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How to effectively communicate wellness messages to employees

You’ve got your corporate wellness programs planned out: events organised, facilities prepared and leadership on board. Job done, right?

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11 free or cheap wellness ideas in the workplace

Not all corporate wellness programs have to be expensive affairs—especially if you’re a small business with only a few employees. If you’re just dipping your toes into the wellness sphere to see what kind of a difference it can make, these are a few frugal wellness ideas in the workplace that you can use right now.

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Creating a culture of wellness in the workplace: a how-to guide

Don’t make the mistake of keeping wellness and your business culture separate. They are a match born in heaven, which when melded together properly, quickly produces not only a happy and healthy workforce, but a self-regulating, self-growing, health-focused workforce. Sound good?

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An employee wellness program checklist for business leaders

Employee wellness programs come in all shapes and sizes, but there’s one consistent theme for those that are the most successful: they have wellness leadership from the top to the bottom and back again.

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The corporate wellness ideas that employees want in your program

There’s an overwhelming number of different corporate wellness programs available for your business, and all of them change depending on your company size, your budget and your employees — and the last of those three is by far the most important.

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How corporate wellness programs improve talent attraction and retention

You want to attract and retain the best and brightest for your business. What company doesn’t? The success of your enterprise rests on the shoulders of your talent attraction and retention, and those who manage to capture the interest of these rising stars or experienced hands will soon outpace their competitors in quality.

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The benefits of corporate wellness programs you’re missing out on

Wellness: it’s quickly becoming a keyword for successful business. But it’s not just about your employees getting a break from the desk or the screen; there are real business benefits that you’re missing out on by failing to capitalise on corporate wellness programs.

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4 mistakes you need to avoid with your wellness program insurance

Is your wellness insurance working as it should? Keep an eye out for these common mistakes:

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Don't let poor shareholder protection insurance hurt your business

Nobody wants to lose control of their business––at least, not without their say-so. Unfortunately, this can happen more easily than you think; particularly if you are lacking shareholder protection cover.

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How to make the most of your business interruption insurance

What is your business prepared for? Staff turnover––perhaps. Theft from your premises––almost certainly. A natural disaster? Probably not––and that can end up being a big problem.

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