BRAVEday Blog

Your life is going to change forever

Written by Tania Young | May 4, 2012 3:39:00 AM

The centre of your universe will no longer be you, and you may lose sight of things that you now regard as paramount. It sounds daunting. But it needn't be!!

Having a baby should be one of the most thrilling rides of your life, so in order to help you prepare, we have put together a collection of realities to consider.


Before you jump on board

  • A healthy pregnancy begins before you conceive. You and your partner should start making healthy choices as early as possible.

"Tick a few things off the old bucket list


  • Alcohol and cigarettes, processed foods, caffeine and other stimulants should be a fond (or not so fond) memory.

"Enjoy your body"

Wear a bikini

  • Folic acid: It will help to prevent major birth defects. Take a vitamin with 400 micrograms (mcg) of folic acid every day before you get pregnant and for the first three months of your pregnancy. FYI - Folic Acid - Ministry of Health NZ

"Be ready to define love"

  • Save money while you have it, and pay off as much personal debt as you can. For most people, debt is just an accepted part of life - unfortunately, it can quickly become a much bigger issue when you have another mouth to feed.


  • Be open with your partner about your hopes and expectations. It is not realistic to expect entirely smooth sailing, but these conversations will be much less emotional before baby comes along.

After Conception

  • Allow us to step in here and remind you about insurance. Should the unexpected happen to you - are you covered? Taking leave from work? You may want to put your income protection cover on hold.

"Don't overspend"

  • Arrange your birth-care early - midwife/obstetrician, antenatal classes etc. Talk to your friends, and take advice from others. Midwifery Council


  • Medical insurance: As soon as your baby is born, you can add him/her to either parent's policy. If you don't already have health insurance, you can take out a policy for you and your baby at the same time.
  • Sleep when your baby sleeps! You will need it. Don't let the little things (like housework) worry you.
  • Don't compare yourselves to other new parents. People rarely share (or divulge on Facebook) the not-so-nice things that their kids do. When you hear about children that sleep through the night or start walking at eight  months, don't worry - it isn't real.