BRAVEday Blog

Value for Money

Written by Tania Young | Aug 16, 2012 12:00:00 PM

Working in the insurance industry I absolutely understand the value of having the right insurance, it makes a massive difference when the unexpected happens.

That said, it all costs money, and recently I took a look at my own medical insurance to see if I should consider increasing my excess.

Unfortunately for me my policy is really 'old school' and I can't even add an excess.

As I've had my share of medical 'issues' there is no way that I could consider changing to a different provider so I decided to think about it a slightly different way (glass half full you could say).

Just out of interest, I compared to see if I had claimed more than I've paid in premiums this year.  The results were pretty interesting and worth sharing, check out the details below:

All up I'd say it's definitely in my favour, wouldn't you?

Insurance is necessary and can save your bacon when things go wrong.  For your insurance plan to work best it needs to be reviewed regularly, not stuffed in a drawer never to be looked at again.

When was the last time you reviewed your insurance?

Haven't heard from your adviser in a long time?  Call us for a review.