BRAVEday Blog

Future proof your health

Written by Tania Young | Sep 23, 2014 12:00:00 PM

There is little point in working all hours, if you aren't going to be around to enjoy your retirement.There are a myriad of screening tests available, along with lifestyle preventative measures you can take to ensure you live a long and healthy life- here are just a few.

Screening Tests (talk with your GP to see what you should be screening for)

  • Cholesterol: If you are 35 or older, have your cholesterol tested regularly with a blood test.  This is especially relevant if you smoke, are overweight or have a history of heart disease in your family.
  • Prostate:  This can be done by way of a PSA blood test if you don't want to get up close and personal with your GP.
  • Blood Pressure:  High stress jobs can lead to high blood pressure…which can cause strokes, heart attacks, kidney and eye problems.  Ensure you BP is under control with checks at least every two years.
  • Colon Cancer:  If you are over 50, screening for colorectal cancer is a good idea.
  • Mole Mapping:  Given the melanoma rate in NZ, it is really important to have any suspicious moles checked on a regular basis.

Lifestyle Choices (we all know what is good for us; sometimes we just need a little reminder!)

  • Get to a healthy weight, and stay there.
  • Be smoke-free.  Stoptober is a great starting point.
  • Be active.  If a gym is not your thing, you can always try walking/running, playing sport or even just mowing the lawn.  The key is just to get moving.
  • Relax.  Make sure you regularly take time out to recharge.

Have you taken steps to future-proofing your health?