BRAVEday Blog

Check Yourself Out

Written by Tania Young | Jun 5, 2014 12:00:00 PM

Despite the fact that New Zealand has one of the highest bowel cancer rates in the world, we do not currently have a government-funded nationwide bowel screening program in place.

There is a pilot scheme in place in the Waitemata DHB region that is running for four years (which began in 2011) for 137,000 eligible people aged between 50 and 74.  The purpose of the pilot is to test whether a free bowel screening program should be introduced throughout the rest of New Zealand.  So, if you have received a random invitation in the post to "please pooh here", don't be alarmed!

It's a simple test that could save lives, and the postal method means that you can participate in the pilot from the comfort of your own home - no lab waiting rooms, no embarrassment.  Given the expected survival rate reduces from 90% to 55% if bowel cancer is not detected in its early stages, the two minute inconvenience seems worth it, don't you think?

In the early stages, bowel cancer may not show any symptoms at all - that's why it is important to have regular screening.

If you have experienced any of the following symptoms for a prolonged period, please see your doctor!

  • feeling that your bowel doesn't empty completely
  • blood in your bowel
  • diarrhoea
  • constipation