BRAVEday Blog

An interview with young sports woman Sivitha Boyce

Written by Guest Blogger - Sivitha Boyce | Aug 2, 2012 12:00:00 PM

With the success of our Football Ferns in the Olympicswe were keen to hear how young sports enthusiasts feel about the game.

Our interview with Sivitha Boyce gets her views on success, inspiration and what 'being brave' means to her.

Sivitha is a young woman going places and one day hopes to play for the New Zealand Football Ferns.

Here's what Sivitha had to say:

1: What first attracted you to the game of football?

I was first introduced to the sport through my older siblings. Watching them play while I was young made me want to play as well. I broke my arm twice when I was finally old enough to get registered at my local club which meant I had a two year delay on playing. This made me look forward to the season when I could finally play just like the rest of my family was.

2: In a previous interview you mentioned that you draw inspiration from Rio Ferninand because he keeps calm on the field. Do you have any female role models?

In the current NZ Football Ferns I admire Katie Hoyle. Although she does not play the same position as me, she is calm and composed. She works hard for the team and this is always evident when she plays. Hoyle is always so determined on and off the field and influences me to look up to her as my role model to try and mimic her work ethic.

3: Have you had to overcome any hurdles to reach your current success?

A few hurdles this year have been due to injury. Continuous ankle injuries have meant that I have been unable to play every game to the best of my ability. Working through rehabilitation, and focusing on managing my injuries have been small hurdles along the way.

4: Your dream is to play for the All Whites; what steps are you taking to get there?

I want to take advantage of every opportunity that I come across for the benefit of my personal improvement. Working hard both in training and away from the football environment will help me to improve as a player also. For now I am taking small steps towards the big ideal goal.

5: What makes the Young Football Ferns stand out from their opposition?

The team culture makes us stand out because it is very positive. Having a positive environment where we enjoy being in each other's company makes playing alongside each other easier. On the field we are able to communicate well, making tactical plays more successful. Building a good relationship with one another has made combination plays work well, therefore the opposition find it harder to defend and retain the ball in their possession.

6: The centre back's main job is to repel the attacks of the opposing team and get the ball out of the danger zone. What skills that you have learned in this position that you can use in your daily life?

While defending, staying focused and consistent within the formation and shape of the team are important to keeping the opposition from scoring. This can be translated into daily life because in order to accomplish something or take steps to improvement, it will take consistency on my behalf. The will to keep trying and persisting is very important to me.

7: What does being 'Brave' mean to you?

Being brave to me means showing courage and not being afraid of things that can potentially make me feel uncomfortable or out of place. It means that I am able to face difficult challenges and situations to overcome them- turning negativity into something positive. In terms of football being brave can mean going in for a big tackle or even just giving encouragement to another team member.