BRAVEday Blog

4 weetbix and some toast

Written by BRAVEday team | Sep 4, 2012 12:00:00 PM

Last week I attended a seminar on nutrition with Dr Theresa Dobson from Active Care Chiropractic.I thought I had some idea on healthy eating but there was a plenty of room to up skill. My three main takeaways (no pun intended) were.

Which foods to avoid: Processed foods and starch (white bread, baked goods, cereals, chips, pastas, rice & white potato) are high on the list. I learnt that if you stick to the outer shelves of the supermarket and avoid the aisles you will be on the right track; fruit, veggies & meat.

Nutrition is: Protein, Carbohydrates, Fats (the right kind) and Water all in the proper ratios.

I have replaced my regular four weetbix and a piece of toast with a fruit protein smoothie to start my day.

Exercise 3 times per week: Nothing new there, but time is always the biggest excuse for not pushing play. We were given a 12 minute high intensity workout, something I should be able to manage without having to leave the house.

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